Call for Papers

We are now accepting abstracts for contributed talks. Any paper is appropriate so long as it is related to the objective of the conference, which is to promote cross-disciplinary research in statistical methods in engineering, science and technology. This objective is to be interpreted broadly to cover a wide range of application areas including environment, information and manufacturing sciences.

To present a contributed talk, please email a title and abstract of your talk, including your name and affiliation, to the Contributed Program Chair, Professor Hongquan Xu, at,

using "SRC 2009" in the subject line as in

Subject: SRC 2009.

The closing date for receiving abstracts is April 1, 2009. If you are a student and would like to be considered for a scholarship, please visit the page of Scholarships

No need to send in a paper. The Spring Research Conference does not publish its own conference proceedings but the papers presented at the Spring Research Conference are eligible for inclusion in the American Statistical Association 2009 Proceedings of the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences. The deadline for submission is generally in October every year. Please visit the webpage of American Statistical Association at a later date for information on the deadline and submission instructions.