Stat 890 (4 credits) 2009


Important information for non-SFU students

The IGTC has some funding available for Math-Bio students from PIMS universities to attend this course. You will obtain credit from your home university. Click for details.

Course Schedule

Classes will be held Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm. In addition the course will meet 2pm to 3:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This makes a total of 13 hours per week for 4 weeks rather than the usual 4 hours per week for 13 weeks. Classes will be held in room K9509 underneath the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences main office.

Course outline

The ouline includes an approximate schedule and basic course details.

See accompanying pages for books on reserves and resources

Corrections and Updates

See the page about important info for general comments and information, relevant to all students.


Stat 890: Statistics for Dynamic System Models


See the section on important info for news and corrections.